For many individuals, the occurrence of acne starts at puberty. The body at this stage begins the production of hormones called androgens. In individuals with acne, this hormone causes the swelling and over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands. This ultimately leads to the creation of sebum in huge amount, and together with a slow exfoliation procedure leads to blocked openings in the skin and this leads to formation of acne.
Acne is at times formed during menstrual cycle due to the sensitivity towards androgens. You can also see that some people get acne during pregnancy or sometimes during menopause. It’s important to remember that acne is not caused by high hormone levels, but it is an irregular reaction to standard level of these hormones. Now a days you will see that many people develop acne in adulthood. This is probably due to the diet they eat, their lifestyle and the presence of more synthetic hormones in our surroundings. This includes foods, water, plastics and drugs.
Acnezine is a very effective medication for acne and it is proven to be of great help to all those people who experience acute acne problems. Together with Acnezine you may help control your hormones by following certain simple things like: avoiding stress — stress is one of the main reasons for the over-production of hormones. • Using relaxation procedures like Yoga and deep breathing. • avoiding caffeine — intake of caffeine encourages production of more hormones. • Exercising — doing exercise is known to rebalance hormones and also helps to ease stress. • Consumption of hormone controlling foods like alfalfa, linseed(flaxseed), oats, celery, parsley, rhubarb, fennel and evening Primrose oil. • Drinking still mineral water, and if possible in glass bottles. • Avoiding foods that are kept in synthetic packaging. • Eating organic products whenever possible.
Acne is frequently said to be related to stress, and the reason for stress may be the pressures associated with school, college, work, relations or money matters. Stress is the main reason for the creation of hormones like cortisol, which helps to worsen the already existing acne.
When you are stressed, your digestive system slows down. This happens because the body takes away the blood from the stomach as well as intestines to ready your muscles for ‘flight’, which is our natural reaction to stress. This process in itself is frequently related to acne. Acnezine helps in controlling the metabolism to a particular level and attempts to form equilibrium in the cortisol hormone level.
While you are treating acne with Acnezine it is better if you avoid • Dairy products like milk, cheese, cream, yogurt etc • Meat like beef, pork, chicken, lamb etc• Polished and cooked carbohydrates like white flour, bread, rice, crisps and chips, sugar etc• Cooked fats like fried food, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, fried nuts.
The intake of the above mentioned foods form acid in the body. If you truly want to get rid of acne, then you should try to consume more alkaline-forming foods like fresh vegetables and fruit, different types of nuts(but avoid peanuts since these contain alfatoxins) and various seeds.
You can verify the efficiency of your digestive system by consuming sweet corn or sesame seeds and observing how long they need to pass through. It is normally said that 24-36 hours is very good. Acnezine is known to fight all types of acne.
Wondering if acnezine actually works? Author David Warple examines effective ways to get rid of acne.
Is there a permanent cure for acne? Author David Warple offers advice on effective acne solutions.
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